Linking to other pages

InfiSearch is convenient to get started with if the pages you link to are the same files you index, and these files are hosted at sourceFilesUrl in the same way your source file folders are structured.

Linking to other pages instead is facilitated by the default link field, which lets you override the link used in the result preview.

There is also a default data mapping for HTML files which the below section covers. If using JSON or CSV files, refer to the earlier section.

Indexing HTML Files

For HTML files, simply add this link with the data-infisearch-link attribute.

<span data-infisearch-link=""></span>

This data mapping configuration is already implemented by default, shown by the below snippet.

"loaders": {
  "HtmlLoader": {
    "selectors": {
      "span[data-infisearch-link]": {
        "attr_map": {
          "data-infisearch-link": "link"