Search API

You can also interface with InfiSearch through its API.


Under the global infisearch variable, you can instantiate an instance of the Searcher class.

const searcher = new infisearch.Searcher({
    url: 'https://... the index output directory ...'

The constructor parameter uses the same options as infisearch.init, refer to this page for the other available options.

Initialising States

Setup is also async and and mostly proceeds in the WebWorker. You can use the setupPromise and isSetupDone interfaces to optionally show UI initialising states.

searcher.setupPromise.then(() => {
    assert(searcher.isSetupDone, true);

Retrieving Enum Values

If you have an enum field, you can retrieve all its possible values like such:

const enumValues: string[] = await searcher.getEnumValues('weather');

> console.log(enumValues)
['sunny', 'rainy', 'warm', 'cloudy']


Next, you can create a Query object, which obtains and ranks the result set.

const query: Query = await searcher.runQuery('sunny weather');

The Query object follows this interface.

interface Query {
     * Original query string.
    public readonly query: string,
     * Total number of results.
    public readonly resultsTotal: number,
     * Returns the next top N results.
    public readonly getNextN: (n: number) => Promise<Result[]>,
     * Freeing a query manually is required since its results live in the WebWorker.
    public readonly free: () => void,

Filtering and Sorting

Filter document results with enum fields or numeric fields by passing an additional parameter.

const query: Query = await searcher.runQuery('weather', {
  enumFilters: {
    // 'weather' is the enum field name
    weather: [
      null,    // Use null to include documents that have no enum values
  i64Filters: {
    // 'price' is the numeric field name
    price: {
      gte?: number | bigint,
      lte?: number | bigint,

Sort document results using numeric fields. Results are tie-broken by their relevance.

const query: Query = await searcher.runQuery('weather', {
  sort: 'pageViews',     // where 'pageViews' is the name of the field
  sortAscending: false,  // the default is to sort in descending order

Loading Document Texts

Running a query alone probably isn’t very useful. You can get a Result object using the getNextN function.

const results: Result[] = await query.getNextN(10);

A Result object stores the fields of the indexed document.

const fields = results[0].fields;

> console.log(fields)
  texts: [
    ['_relative_fp', 'relative_file_path/of_the_file/from_the_folder/you_indexed'],
    ['title', 'README'],
    ['h1', 'README'],
    ['headingLink', 'description'],
    ['heading', 'Description'],
    ['body', 'InfiSearch is a client-side search solution made for static sites, .....'],
    // ... more headingLink, heading, body fields ...
  enums: {
    weather: 'cloudy',
    reporter: null,
  numbers: {
    datePosted: 1671336914n,
  • texts: an array of [fieldName, fieldText] pairs stored in the order they were seen.

    This ordered model is more complex than a regular key-value store, but enables the detailed content hierarchy you see in InfiSearch’s UI: Title > Heading > Text under heading

  • enums: stores the enum values of the document. Documents missing enum values are assigned null.

  • numbers: u64 fields returned as Javascript BigInt values.

Memory Management

As InfiSearch uses a WebWorker to run things, you would also need to perform some memory management.

Once you are done with a Query (e.g. if a new query was run), call free() on the query object.;

Search interfaces usually live for the entire lifetime of the application. If you need to do so however, you should also free the Searcher instance:;

UI Convenience Methods

A Result object also exposes 2 other convenience functions that may be useful to help deal with the positional format of the text type field stores.

1. Retrieving Singular Fields as KV Stores

Certain fields will only occur once in every document (e.g. titles, <h1> tags). To retrieve these easily, use the getKVFields method:

const kvFields = result.getKVFields('link', '_relative_fp', 'title', 'h1');

> console.log(kvFields)
  "_relative_fp": "...",
  "title": "..."
  // Missing fields will not be populated

Only the first [fieldName, fieldText] pair for each field will be populated into the fields object.

Tip: Constructing a Document Link

If you haven’t manually added links to your source documents, you can use the _relative_fp field to construct one by concatenating it to a base URL. Any links added via the data-infisearch-link attribute are also available under the link field.

2. Associating Headings to other Content Fields and Highlighting

To establish the relationship between heading and headingLink pairs to other content fields following them, call getHeadingsAndContents.

// The parameter is a varargs of field names to consider as content fields
const headingsAndContents: Segment[] = result.linkHeadingsToContents('body');

This returns an array of Segment objects, each of which represents a continuous chunk of heading or content text:

interface Segment {
   * 'content': content text without preceding heading
   * 'heading': text from 'heading' fields
   * 'heading-content': content text with a preceding heading
  type: 'content' | 'heading' | 'heading-content',

   * Only present if type = 'heading-content',
   * and points to another Segment of type === 'heading'.
  heading?: Segment,

   * Only present if type = 'heading' | 'heading-content',
   * and points to the heading's id, if any.
  headingLink?: string,
  // Number of terms matched in this segment.
  numTerms: number,

Sorting and Choosing Segments

This is fully up to your UI. For example, you can first priortise segments with a greater numTerms, then tie-break by the type of the segment.

Text Highlighting

interface Segment {
  // ... continuation ...

  highlightHTML: (addEllipses: boolean = true) => string,
  highlight: (addEllipses: boolean = true) => (string | HTMLElement)[],

  text: string,                             // original string
  window: { pos: number, len: number }[],   // Character position and length

There are 3 choices for text highlighting:

  1. highlightHTML() wraps matched terms with <mark> tag, truncates text, and adds trailing and leading ellipses. A single escaped HTML string is then returned for use.

  2. highlight() does the same but is slightly more efficient, returning a (string | HTMLElement)[] array. To use this array safely (strings are unescaped) and conveniently, use the .append(...seg.highlight()) DOM API.

    Click to see example output
      <span class="infi-ellipses"> ... </span>,
      ' ... text before ... ',
      <mark class="infi-highlight">highlighted</mark>,
      ' ... text after ... ',
      <span class="infi-ellipses"> ... </span>,
  3. Lastly, you can perform text highlighting manually using the original text and the closest window of term matches.