Sorting by Numbers & Dates

Results can also be sorted by numeric fields. Let’s suppose we want to support filtering weather forecast articles by their date posted. The date is stored in an element with the data-date-posted attribute.

sort options dropdown

First, define the numeric field that can store any signed 64-bit integers.

"fields_config": {
  "fields": {
    "datePostedField": {
      "storage": [{
        "type": "i64",

        // Default UNIX timestamp.
        // In this case, we use "0", which falls on Jan 1 1970 00:00 UTC.
        "default": 0,

        // Parse the data seen as a date.
        // Integers, floats, and other datetime formats are also supported,
        // see the above linked documentation.
        "parse": {
          "method": "datetime",
          "datetime_fmt": "%Y %b %d %H:%M %z"

Next, map the data from the data-date-posted attribute into the above field.

"indexing_config": {
  "loaders": {
    "HtmlLoader": {
      "selectors": {
        // Match elements with the attribute
        "[data-date-posted]": {
          // And index the attribute into our earlier defined field
          "attr-map": {
            "[data-date-posted]": "datePostedField"

Lastly, configure InfiSearch’s UI to setup the UI dropdown using this field.

  uiOptions: {
    sortFields: {
      dateposted: {
        asc: 'Date: Oldest First',
        desc: 'Date: Latest First',